GDP Per Capita

GDP per capita is a measure of a country’s economic output per person. A higher GDP per capita indicates a higher standard of living and a better quality of life. Countries with a high GDP per capita tend to be more happy and satisfied with their lives than those with a lower GDP per capita.

Social Support

A study done in 2010 found that social support is one of the most important predictors of happiness. The study, which was published in the Journal of Happiness Studies, looked at data from the World Values Survey and found that countries with higher levels of social support were happier than those with lower levels. The study’s authors suggest that social support may be a more important predictor of happiness than income.

Life Expectancy

It’s not just about living longer, it’s about living a healthier, happier life. A country’s happiness is linked to its citizens' health and wellbeing. A recent study found that countries with higher life expectancy rates are also more likely to be happy. The study’s authors believe this is because good health allows people to enjoy their lives more and experience less pain and suffering.

General Population Health

A recent study found that the general population health of a country is one of the strongest predictors of happiness. The study, which was conducted by the University of Warwick, looked at data from over 150 countries and found that those with higher rates of population health were generally happier. The study’s authors suggest that this is because healthy populations are more productive and have more to enjoy in life.

Employment Rate

There are a variety of factors that contribute to happiness, and employment rate is one of them. A country with a high employment rate is generally more happy than a country with a low employment rate. This is because people who are employed have a sense of purpose and are more likely to feel fulfilled than those who are unemployed.

Freedom to Make Choices

The ability to make choices is a key factor in happiness. Countries that allow their citizens to make choices about how they live their lives tend to be happier than those that don’t. This may be because people feel more in control of their lives when they have the freedom to make choices. It could also be that people are happier when they can choose to do things that make them happy.

Low Crime

A recent study has found that countries with low crime rates are generally more happy than those with high crime rates. This is likely because people feel safer and more secure when there is less crime, and they are able to enjoy their daily lives without fear of violence or theft. The study also found that countries with high levels of corruption were less happy than those with low levels of corruption, indicating that people prefer to live in societies where they feel like they can trust their government and institutions.

No Wars

No country is immune to the ravages of war, but some are happier than others. The happiest countries in the world, according to the World Happiness Report, are Finland, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland. These countries have something in common: they have avoided major wars for decades.

Trust in Others

In order to trust others, we must first be able to trust ourselves. We need to have faith in our own abilities and be confident in who we are. Once we are able to do this, it becomes much easier to let go and trust others. When we are able to trust others, we are also more likely to feel happier and more content. This is because we are not constantly worrying about what could go wrong or whether or not someone will betray us. Instead, we are able to relax and enjoy the company of those around us.